Here are some general notes you should be aware using this 2.2 version. If you have any questions concerning these topics please let me know.
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Postal Mail: Alexander S. Colwell
21222 Marjorie Avenue
Torrance, California 90503
NotePad++ 1.4.1 or older users:
Whenever you are opening original NotePad++ 1.X document, it will automatically convert to 2.X format. However, the original 1.X pages are left intact, which means that you can still use your old NotePad++ 1.X while using NotePad++ 2.2 at the same time. This will cause your document to become twice as large since it contains both 1.X and 2.X formats.
NotePad++ v2.0 users:
The newer 2.1 version fixes the text flashing problem as you type. In order to fix this problem, I have to reformat the page's right margins. This will cause temporary delays and lots of flashing within the page. After completing the conversion, the page is mark modified and should be saved to avoid subsequent reformatting. Otherwise, it will reformat the page again upon reopening of the document. Note, this only reformats the pages that are select. It will not go thru all the pages and reformat it. It is reformatted as needed.
Please note if you attempt to reformat all the pages at once then you may need to extend the initial memory usage of the NotePad++ document from 1536K to a larger value. Use the following formula to determine the memory requirements needed for NotePad++ application:
300K of memory is needed to run NotePad++ plus the size of the document times 2.
For example, suppose your NotePad++ document is 700K then you need to set the application's memory requirements from 1536K to 1700K (i.e., 300K + 700K + 700K). To reset the application's memory allocation simply use Finder by selecting the NotePad++ application and select the Get Info command in the File menu to reset the new memory settings. Note this procedure is only necessary if you are converting from 2.0 to 2.1 or 2.2 and reformatting all your pages at once.
NotePad++ v2.0 and v2.1 users:
The application is a RAM-based word-processor. That is, the pages are loaded into memory and its not cached to disk. Unlike commercial word-processors, such as Microsoft Word and WordPerfect, it can handle very large documents without increasing its memory allocation.
However with NotePad++, when you attempt to import large text documents then the memory allocations must be increased accordingly. Again use the following formula:
300K of memory is needed to run NotePad++ plus the size of the document times 2.
NotePad++ v2.1 and v2.2 users:
The main difference between v2.1 and v2.2 are the registration key has been disabled and "MacInTalk" has been enabled. The "MacInTalk" feature has been implemented in v2.0, but was disabled due to problems on some Macintoshs. It does not work properly on MacII or olders Macintoshes. Reason unknown.
Now Utilities' Super Boomerang and Symantec's Directory Assistance II Users:
NotePad++ application has a bug or feature depending how you look at it. The standard open and save dialogs to open and save NotePad++ documents respective normally does not allows you to switch to other applications. However NotePad++ does! But at a price of the Super Boomerang and Directory Assistance II users. To enable these utilties to work, open the "NP++ Configuration" application and uncheck the "Allow Movable Dialogs" button to suppress movable dialogs and save the new configuration settings. Refer to the "NotePad++ v2.2 Configuration" document and "NP++ Configure v2.2" application to enable these utilities. You may obtain these files from extracting them from "NP++ Configure v2.2.sea".